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Ride T&C

Effective date: September 11, 2022

Last updated on: September 11, 2022


In order to ensure the safety of all road users, motorcyclists must adhere to the same road rules as other vehicles. In addition, there are some specific road safety rules that only apply to motorcyclists. Following these rules is extremely necessary and important. If a rider is found NOT following the rules, he/she will be banned from continuing the ride and from all future rides. No refund will be processed in such an event.


Wearing a helmet:

All motorcyclists and pillions are required by law to wear an ISI-marked or DOT-certified motorcycle helmet that is securely fastened while riding. Not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle not only makes you vulnerable to a serious death-threatening injury but is an offense that can result in a fine.

Driving License & other documents:

All motorcyclists are required to carry their driving licenses, vehicle insurance, and pollution-under-control certificates.

Riding between lanes:

Motorcyclists are not permitted to ride between lanes or rows of slow-moving or stationary vehicles.


Riding on footpaths:

Motorcyclists are not permitted to ride on footpaths.


Splitting lanes:

Motorcyclists are not permitted to split lanes. This means riding in between vehicles traveling in the same direction, even if there is enough space.


Passing stationary emergency vehicles:

When passing a stationary emergency vehicle that has its red and blue lights flashing, motorcyclists must slow down to 40km/h or less. This rule applies to all emergency vehicles, including police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances.



Children & teenagers under the age of 18 are not allowed on the rides. If you don't have a driving license, you can't join our rides.


Speed limits:

Motorcyclists are subject to the same speed limits as other vehicles.


Riding side by side:

Motorcyclists are not allowed to ride side by side except when overtaking or when traffic conditions make it essential.


Use of mobile phones:

Using mobile phones while riding, including while cycling, is not allowed.



Motorcyclists must use lights at night and in poor visibility.

Accident or death:

In an unfortunate event of an accident, injury, or death, GC Moto Equipments or any entity or person related to it cannot be held responsible. All riders are required to follow all traffic rules, wear proper armor and helmet, and ride under the speed limit.

Riding style:

All riders and pillions are required to attend the briefing given by the road captain. Riders must follow the riding style as explained and make full use of hand and leg signals.

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